10 September, 2011

The GEL Program

In our online school, we have a special program for students who want to learn in a systematic way. Generally, HBOETs give lessons with free-talking, article discussion, and short stories or dialogues for beginner students. But those ways of teaching are so easy-going that some students find it boring or sometimes frustrating to them because they cannot see their improvement. Some students have definite reasons to learn English and they always seem enthusiastic regardless how the teacher will conduct the lesson. But some students don't have a definite reason to study English because they just want to study. To cater that need, our online school formulated a special program wherein students can see their improvement and be competitive with their English studies with us.

We call it the General English Learners program or GEL program. Any student can apply for that program. In GEL program, there are over one hundred topics students can choose from. The topics are in a dialogue format with a variety of three learning levels. These are: easy, average, and difficult. Each level also have two comprehension questions and one practical question. A student can not move on to the next level of the topic or to the next topic if the he/she cannot have a perfect or passing score. 3/3 is the perfect score and 2/3 is the passing score. Students can learn new idiomatic expressions, grammar, and new vocabulary too.

Some students in this program sometimes find it hard, even with an easy level. Some dialogues have idioms that are based on Western culture and that makes it hard for some to imagine the situation. Nonetheless, in that way, I believe, students can have a sense of competitiveness within themselves to learn and finish one topic and eventually improve the English skills more.

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