22 August, 2011

Student Kids

I had a lesson with an advance student last 17-August. She's very articulate and even had an American accent. It's good to talk with a student her level but she's just around 12 years old. I'm NEVER good with kids in at that age bracket (9-15 years old).

This particular student--let's call her flower child-- irritates me. She doesn't like to have a material with me. She always tells me that her computer is bad or slow so she wants to have free talking only. I know she's kidding me around because when I check her Karte, she sometimes uses a material in her lessons. Her account is shared with her mom and her mom sometimes have lessons with materials, either given through a link or the material typed in the chat box. And having with no material with Flower Child puts me in a very awkward position. Like what I said, I'm not good with kids at that age.

But since it's always the student's prerogative, not the teachers. I didn't have any choice at that time but to succumb.

I'm not the talkative type of teacher and somehow, I get irritated by students if they don't play along with me. Flower Child only answers "Yes" or "No" to my questions and doesn't even mind elaborating them. If asked with any open-ended question, she only says "I don't know." But she will answer a lot if you ask the questions that interests her.

However, towards the end of our lesson, Flower Child became talkative. I asked about what she does to relax. She said she just watches TV and she likes the Disney Channel. She also mentioned she likes Harry Potter. Unfortunately, I don't really like Harry Potter but at least I have a little interest in it to play along. That's why I had endured, or should I say, both of us had endured those 25 minutes. Maybe she also had no choice but to succumb to my repetitive questions and boring lessons.

Come to think of it... I should stretch my flexibility to different kinds of students. It's pretty challenging knowing that I could not pick my students and if it involves subjectivity. I guess this is just part of the challenge.

So, I gave myself a mental note: To Relive Again My Juvenile Past and Remember What's Interesting in that Era.


Two days after having lesson with an advance kid student, I had a lesson with an avid kid student. I call him the Prince because his Skype ID is a picture of him being in a prince costume. He's just around four or five years old and his level is around Beginner.

Prince is one of my favorites despite is English level. I don't really have to teach him because he has his own reading materials. HBOETs only need to guide him with the correct pronunciations and with the correct answers to his homeworks. The texts are provided by his mother in the chat box. Generally, in twenty-five minutes, all we have to do is read. If there's still some extra time, we can talk a little. He's quite funny and talkative, so there's no problem with him.

But on this particular day, I sensed that Prince was in no good condition to study English. He was a bit tired and sleepy. He didn't even greet me back immediately when I greeted him "Good Afternoon!". And with that, I think his mom scolded him or something like that.

Prince's energy was kinda low but I just played along and gave my positive "Uhmmms..." and "Mmms...." to his reading. There are always parts in our lessons that he should change books for his reading practice. Unfortunately, he didn't know which book was next that he became confused. His mom became furious and was scolding him in Japanese. That was the first one.

As we continued, he sobbingly read. His mom's scolding continued and he fought back the tears. After a while, his mom stopped and he resumed reading normally.

And there was another part of his reading practice/ homework that required him to make a journal. Prince usually points that out because his mom doesn't really know how to compose in English. He didn't point it out and skipped it. I didn't mind. Like what I said, it is always the student's prerogative. We just went on on reading until his mom found out.

His mom scolded him again. I can't understand what his mom was firing about but I could sense it that it was the journal this time. I could see on the video that his mom went back on the book that required the journal and slightly slammed it on the table.

Prince now actually cried. I couldn't say anything. I just watched, listened, and became mute. He sobbingly told me to help him write his journal. He cried more when he became confused on what to say. His mom telling in Japanese what to write but I think he wanted to say otherwise. I was able to help him but he was telling me good-bye in tears.

I told what happened to one of the staffs. She said that kids should never be forced to do anything, that includes studying, if the kid is not yet well-conditioned. I guess I have to agree with her.

I wasn't able to do anything. I guess, there was nothing for me to do something. I couldn't understand and I'm miles away from them to actually interact with them. It was a very sad sight. All I could do was to say "Good-bye. See you next time... that's enough...."

14 August, 2011

New Schedule

It has been a few days since I started with my new schedule. Before I start at 1500 until 2100 JPT. Now, I start at 1400 until 2100 JPT.

So far so good. I guess I have adjusted to the new schedule. Though with this new schedule, I would lose some students, but some have adjusted to it also and still reserve me for their lessons. It's just that the time slot at 1400 until 1500 JPT is a pretty weak time except on weekends. So far, it has been pretty good.

It's too early then to say a lot of comments with the new schedule. Let's wait for a month and let's see for more changes!

09 August, 2011

Take Note: She Wants to Learn Those Phrases...

In our SOPs in our online schools, we always have to check the Karte of each student before the lesson. Also mentioned in the CAQs (commonly asked questions) section. We have to check the Karte even if we had the student before or if we had lessons with that certain student all the time. Student's requests can be checked there in the Karte and the Karte is always updated everyday.

So anyway, I checked the Karte of this certain female student and I found something new in the Notes and Suggestions box. It read:
She wants to learn those phrases used in the movie Sex in the City in her conversation.

I don't know who originally wrote that but usually, HBOETs would just copy and paste the Notes and Suggestions part if there is nothing new about the student. If there is, the HBOET should update it for the benefit of other HBOETs.

I'm not sure if that certain female student requested such because she didn't remind me about that when we had our lesson together. HBOETs adhere to certain plausible requests but that aforementioned request, I don't think that's plausible. It did made me laugh instead of being irritated.

Whoever that HBOET is, I guess he/she wanted to please that certain female student badly.

03 August, 2011


Recently our online school has sent every HBOET a memo regarding incentives. It sounded good news fror me, but

Let's take closer look at the terms and conditions...

A. Top 3 Teachers with the Highest Number of Lesson Reservation (August)
How to qualify:
1. All Teachers are eligible to join.
2. Counting of reserved lessons includes DNLI and minutes cancellation.
3. The top 3 teachers with the highest number of reservations will receive:
  1. Top 1 = 3,000 Yen
  2. Top 2 = 2,000 Yen
  3. Top 3 = 1,000 Yen

B. Top 3 Teachers with the Highest Lesson Reservation Improvement (July vs. August)
How to qualify:
1. All GNA Teachers are eligible to join.
2. Counting of reserved lessons includes DNLI and minutes cancellation.
3. The top 3 teachers with the biggest improvement in his/her number of lesson
reservations in August compared to his/her reservations in July will receive:
  1. Top 1 = 3,000 Yen
  2. Top 2 = 2,000 Yen
  3. Top 3 = 1,000 Yen

C. Top 3 Best Teachers of the Month (August)
How to qualify:
1. All GNA teachers are eligible to join.
2. The top 3 best teachers of the month are determined by the following criteria:

  • Highest evaluation rating from the Training Team
  • Lowest numbers of replacements, absences and tardiness
  • Non-existence of students’ complaints
  • Compliance of SOP/Evaluation by the GNA Staff

3. A teacher who is subject to a student/students’ complaint/s is automatically
4. The top 3 teachers best teachers of August will receive:
  1. Top 1 = 3,000 Yen
  2. Top 2 = 2,000 Yen
  3. Top 3 = 1,000 Yen

All conditions are fair enough however, for the first two conditions, quite saddens me. Though everyone is elligible to join, not everyone CAN join. Not everyone can be available to have their slots open for more reservations. Especially for an HBOET like me, I'm not readily available for any additional lessons. I have to plan and schedule my activities if I want to have additional lessons. I guess other HBOETs feel the same way too.

I openly approve to the third one because clearly, everyone can be a winner. I think it is a good way of encouragement for HBOETs to improve their teaching skills. And it is a good way to do good, especially in class observations, because there is always something to look forward for if you do really good.

If I am to be asked for any addition to the incentive program, I want to have incentives for having a good attendance. Maybe that will encourage HBOETs to reduce their absences and tardiness.

I hope the third condition will continue in the future. I hope that the management will also be open for suggestions for their incentive program like the one that I gave.

Having incentives will definitely boost my enthusiasm and motivation to improve my teaching skills. It will also pressure me, on a good a way, to be on time all the time. If the incentives will push through, I will double my effort to do better.



August 1 marks my sixth month of online teaching. What can I say? I had and continuing having a blast!

Along with my six "monthsary" of teaching, I also requested to change my schedule but not to add more lessons unfortunately. Because sometime last month, by the end of July, my Mom was hurt in an accident that made her a "handicapped". That means no one will take care of my baby. Other members of the family (my Step-Dad, Grandma, and brother) have to step in, taking in shifts, to care of my baby. At least for only a few months, though. Changing my schedule to 1400-2000 JPT from 1500-2100 JPT will be easier for us. I can take over as soon as I finish teaching.

Due to the accident, I was also absent from teaching for two days. Students who booked me at those times showed concerned the next time we met again. It was a good feeling to know that Japanese students are compassionate towards their teachers.

I'm teaching for six months now but still I think I still need to learn a lot of things. I'm still getting the hang of having the evaluations. I don't think I have good evaluations yet but thankfully, my present skills have managed to keep me staying.

My future seems bleak but I can imagine myself still teaching... here in the online school I'm with.