21 July, 2011


Yesterday, I had a lesson with a super beginner student. Super beginner students have zero to basic English. But my student qualifies on the zero English level.

The student's karte even has a note that says Use English- Japanese translation for his lessons. I thought I could use my Japanese skills but it wasn't enough to be good for teaching English. But thanks to the creators of Google Translate, I think I may need it more from now on.

Unfortunately or fortunately, the student did not have a good internet connection. He always go online and offline. We only had a barely eight-minute lesson.

I was sorry for the student, aside from not having a good connection between us, I wasn't really able to teach him something. It vividly reminded me again of pursuing my stagnant Japanese lessons. I hope I can do that anytime soon while I'm still an HBOET.


20 July, 2011

I Called the Wrong Student

Last 17-July, I just experienced one of the freakish nightmares a HBOET could have. I called the wrong student.

All of my slots were reserved, so noticing any changes would be unnoticeable. HBOETs in our online school are given with a link to see their schedules. We call it the reservation engine or the RE. But the RE changes from time to time. Students can cancel their lessons via informing the office staffs or by deleting their reserved slots. Students are given a link in which they can access their reserved slots. In my case, I check it every fifteen minutes to see if there are any changes. But in the case of my last lesson, I oversaw the changes.

That was also because my evening lessons were all spent waiting for the students to go online. I only had two lessons, which were at the start of my evening lessons. The next lessons that came next the students did not go online. So, I had a lot of free time waiting for them.

I thought that would be the case also for my last lesson of the day. Just as usual, I checked my RE for any changes and didn't notice anything. I also checked the general chat room for all HBOETs since the schedule is always also posted there. I was really excited getting the failed call attempts to my student for the last lesson. As a general rule, I also reported the matter in the HBOETs' general chat room. Apparently, the staff in-charge did not even gave confirmation on my report. I thought, the staff has repeatedly typed another teacher's student. I just continued calling the student. But five minutes have passed and after repetitively calling my student, another student sent me a message in the chat box asking if I was available and open for the lesson. That gave me the cold sweat....

I browsed through my RE again and voila! The name on my last slot has been changed! I checked the HBOETs' general chat room change and voila! Has the name changed? I hurriedly called the student who sent me a message. The first order of the lesson was an apology.

Good thing, the student was not angry and did not scolded me about being late. I explained my side and he understood even though I was already speaking fast. I think he was barely catching up and getting what I said but still he understood. And good thing also, the student that I repeatedly called was offline. So, there was no further confusion in my side.

I just found out during the course of my apology, the student whom I called first deleted his reservations for me and for another teacher. And the real student got lucky on making an on-the-day reservation. Recently, making an on-the-day reservation is virtually impossible in our online school since there are already a demand of less teachers for more students. I also explained it to the student. It was my last lesson for the day, so I wasn't be troubled extending the lesson. I apologized again before ending the lesson and he laughed at me apologetically.

After that lesson, I hurriedly sent all my evaluations for the day. I told my co-HBOET about it and she said that it was okay. I sighed with relieve from the friendly consideration but I still hurriedly said good-bye for fear of getting reprimanded by the office staff. Good thing, the office staff didn't remember doing so.

In my case, I will never ever get so confident in times like that. Teaching online is breeze but there is always a big responsibility to look about. And I hope something like that will never happen again!

Another good thing was that the staff did not reprimand

17 July, 2011

For Murakami Fans, Hear Him Out...

Novelist Murakami slams nuclear policy

Friday, June 10, 2011

BARCELONA, Spain — Novelist Haruki Murakami criticized his country's pursuit of nuclear energy Thursday during his acceptance speech at the 2011 International Catalunya Prize ceremony in Barcelona, describing the ongoing crisis at the quake-crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant as "a mistake committed by our very own hands."

Murakami said Japan, as the only nation to have experienced the devastation and suffering from radiation through World War II atomic bombings, should have continued saying "no" to nuclear power.

Murakami, the first Japanese to receive the prize given annually by the autonomous Catalan government, said the €80,000 (approximately ¥9.3 million) prize money would be donated to the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami as well as those affected by the nuclear crisis.

"The accident at the Fukushima (No. 1) nuclear power plant is the second major nuclear detriment that the Japanese people have experienced," he said in Japanese. "However, this time it was not a bomb being dropped upon us, but a mistake committed by our very own hands."

The Japanese people, having "learned through the sacrifice of the hibakusha just how badly radiation leaves scars on the world and human wellbeing," should have continued to stand firm in rejecting nuclear power, the novelist, clad in a gray blazer, said.

"Yet those who questioned (the safety of) nuclear power were marginalized as being 'unrealistic dreamers,' " while the Japanese government and utility companies put priority on "efficiency" and "convenience" and turned the quake-prone nation into the world's third-largest nuclear-powered country, he added.

Japan should have pursued on a national level the development of effective energy sources to replace nuclear power. Doing so could have been a way of taking collective responsibility for the atomic bomb victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he said.

On a more upbeat note, Murakami said he was confident Japan would rise again to rebuild after realigning its mind and spirit, just as it has survived on many occasions throughout the its history.

Suicides upping casualties from Tohoku catastrophe

I sometimes share interesting Japanese stories via Facbook or Plurk. But this time I want to share it here since I found one very shocking news about Japan. I will put it here so that it will be archived for my convenience and as well as for other Japan-enthusiast. Maybe, I'll do this more often.

Suicides upping casualties from Tohoku catastrophe

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Yamada, Iwate Pref. — On June 11, a dairy farmer in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, chalked a note on the wall of his cattle shed. "If only there wasn't a nuclear power plant," the message read, in reference to the damaged Fukushima No. 1 plant just 45 km away, which had effectively ended his livelihood.

The man already had culled his livestock after raw milk shipments from the area where he lived had been stopped. Now, he chose to end his own life, too. "I have lost the energy to carry on working," he added in what would be his final words.

His is not an isolated case. Suicides have been reported throughout the quake region.

In March, a cabbage farmer in Sukagawa, Fukushima Prefecture, hanged himself after radioactive substances detected in the soil resulted in restrictions being placed on local produce, while a man in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, reportedly killed himself after losing his family, home and business during the March 11 disasters.

In Yamada, one of the worst-hit towns in Iwate, rumors of suicides abound.

"One of them lost his wife and two children in the tsunami and could not bare the distress and guilt of surviving them," said Yamada public health official Yuko Sasaki.

Now, however, a different kind of suicide threat lingers, she added. "The situation has calmed down, but there is concern about the long-term psychological impact on residents, many of whom have lost everything."

Similar fears are expressed throughout the devastated region. In Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture, municipal official Hideki Yamazaki said the continued lack of some lifeline services, the slow arrival of government funds to some survivors and lengthy stays in evacuation shelters for residents left homeless by the tsunami could have an adverse impact.

"We are trying to move people to temporary homes as quickly as possible, but there is a concern that the sudden transfer from community- to individual-based living could have even more dire consequences," Yamazaki said.

Particularly at risk are survivors who have been left on their own after losing family members during the disasters, said Ofunato health official Yoshiko Shida.

"For those who are alone but have been surrounded by people in similar circumstances since the disaster, the move to temporary housing is going to be a huge change," Shida said. "Some may feel completely cut off."

Some of those in shelters are skeptical about the inevitable move. "I'm alone here, but the people in this shelter don't make me feel alone," said Kamaishi resident Keiko Komabayashi, 82. "I am grateful for the offer of a place of my own, just as long as I have such people nearby."

A middle-aged woman in the town of Sanriku, Iwate Prefecture, who requested anonymity said survivors who lost their houses and jobs have too much time to dwell on the past, some saying they wish they had died along with family members who perished. "Others say they have given up hope. Hopefully, those sentiments will fade with time."

Ofunato's Shida said the main task of local health officials and volunteer care teams operating in the region is to ensure conditions don't get any worse. The goal "is to prevent conditions such as depression and, ultimately, suicide among those left homeless," she said.

The link between depression and suicide is well documented, particularly in Japan, where depression has been shown to be a major suicide trigger.

Concerns about the possibility of survivors turning to such extreme measures is based partly on Japan's overall suicide rate, which according to the World Health Organization is the highest among developed nations. Suicides in May for the whole nation were 20 percent higher than a year before, according to National Police Agency figures, and experts believe the total for 2011 could surpass 30,000 for the 14th straight year.

With the prequake rate in some Tohoku prefectures already among the nation's highest, the risk of a surge in suicide numbers there from this point forward is especially strong, said Yoshinari Cho, director of the psychiatry department at Teikyo University Hospital in Kanagawa Prefecture.

"Survivors, especially those in shelters and temporary accommodations, are at risk of becoming exhausted and depressed, and over time this could lead to clinical depression brought about by the perceived hopelessness of their situation," said Cho, author of the book "Hito wa Naze Jisatsusuru no ka" ("Why Do People Commit Suicide?"). "This would further increase the risk of suicide."

This is especially true of residents in Fukushima Prefecture who have been severely affected by the radiation scare, he added. "Many farmers have lost everything and while the radiation issue remains unresolved they can't predict what the future holds."

Survivors who went through traumatic experiences during the tsunami — including having to identify the bodies of lost loved ones — could also be at risk of posttraumatic stress disorder, Cho added. "PTSD itself is directly connected with suicide, but it has been shown that when it overlaps with depression, the chance of suicide rises significantly," he said.

A recently published government white paper on suicide prevention supports Cho's views, adding that survivors may feel extreme guilt for escaping death while other family members perished. The report concludes that long-term mental health care and screenings for survivors are essential.

While care professionals are providing consultations throughout the quake area, the Tokyo-based suicide prevention group Lifelink has offered support via a 24-hour hotline targeting survivors who lost family members.

"Many callers say they wished they had been swept away together with the people they lost," said Lifelink Director Yasuyuki Shimizu, who set up the help line in the fear that suicides could escalate in Tohoku.

"They also say they find it difficult to talk about their problems with care officials and others around them."

Sen Hiraizumi, director of Iwate Prefectural Hospital in Yamada, said people in affected communities such as his may shy away from seeking counseling because it is an alien concept for many residents.

"Japan is way behind the West when it comes to psychiatric care," he said. "In Yamada, for example, we have never even had a psychiatry clinic. People just don't tend to talk about stress or depression."

Teikyo University's Cho believes it is this very issue that could cost lives in the long run.

"Tohoku people are notoriously stoic and self-sacrificing, and the chances of them seeking counseling is low."

This is particularly true for middle-age and older men, who are unused to expressing such emotions, he said. "They wouldn't admit it, but it's quite possible that many of them are clinically depressed. With the elderly, too, the suicide threshold is already lower. Traditionally, they do not want to be a burden on their communities."

Special to The Japan Times

15 July, 2011

Student Crush

It's been a long time since I have been interested in someone like a crush. Actually recently, I have a crush on one of my students. It may be ludicrous to say but I do.

My Co-HBOET knows a lot about him since she is always reserved by him. She usually does free-talking or FT with him. Her way of handling FT is by asking some personal questions, which I think some Japanese are not open to.

I actually don't dwell on those kinds of questions until I had lessons with the student for more than five times. I believe Japanese are one of some nationalities that are concerned with personal privacy. But I guess some Japanese students in our online school don't mind answering some personal questions because they are talking with HBOETs.

For my next lesson with my student crush, I will try to ask him some personal information. But I'll ask him in a creative way. How's that?

01 July, 2011

Compensation Hike

Recently, our online school announced that there will be an increase of compensation for the hours between 2100 – 2300.

The ongoing compensation rate per lesson is Php30. This scheme is applicable between 900 JPT to 2030 JPT. And a Php5 per lesson for the hours between 2100 – 2300, that is Php35 per lesson.

Starting 01-July, they will upgrade it to Php40 per lesson, which is very much appreciated.

I'm thinking of adding some lessons between 2100- 2300. I think adding some extra lessons would be a good help.