31 December, 2011

Happy New Year!

Today is the last day of the year and I got no work. Yesterday was our online school's Christmas party. Apparently, I was not able to go because there were no details sent to me. I did not even wish that I would go.


Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! That means Happy New Year in Japanese. I specifically remember, that our sensei back when I was studying basic Japanese taught us to say Shinnen Omedetou Gozaimasu as to Happy New Year in Japanese. I got confused. Now, I can't wait to work again and ask some of my students about that.

Speaking about the new year, the new year celebration is more important for them. It has become quite a religious celebration for them and a coveted holiday. Christmas day, on the other hand, is held as normal day but quite special and a secular holiday to families with a child or children, among friends, and to couples. And because of that, since I am a Christian that loves the Christmas holiday, I would often ask students what they would do on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Sometimes, I would offer them stories and articles relating to Christmas. I also offered some articles about the New Year after the Christmas holidays. Accordingly, every lesson this month had become an exchange of views and stories about both holidays, which is quite nice. I felt I have, somehow, experienced their celebrations.

The year is about to end in a few hours. Recalling the past months of teaching, I still have a lot to learn and improve. I also have a lot to relate and maybe share as a teacher, a Filipino, a Christian, a person. Lessons with avid students have not only become as a venue of learning but also of friendship. Though there is the recording SOP, it has not stopped us to become semi-personal during lessons sometimes. And likewise is happening to students who have just reserved me. I hope they will stay and increase more. Students have been the sole reason for teachers and for teaching. With that, I will be more forever grateful to them.

This year has been extremely nice to me. Though there were mishaps and bumps, they are all charged to experience and taken as is. I have learned from them and will learn more from them in every angle. It seems teaching have caught my eye and now I'm drowned in it. I hope the next year will also be rewarding to me.

I guess this is it for the last post about this year. More to come on the next year. I can see myself now doing this for another year. Thus, my sharing of experiences will continue still.

Again, Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!

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