15 December, 2011

Updates On the New SOP: Reporting

I have mentioned sometime about last month regarding the new SOP. It was about getting all lessons being recorded.

Much to my worries of integrating a new category in our old SOP, it wasn't that nerve-wracking at all, as much as reporting is talked about. It has been weeks already, so I have gotten used to it. I guess, other teachers as well.

Generally, we have to make sure we report correctly in the general teachers' chatroom accordingly and reporting has been a hassle recently. Before, we only have to indicate "started" if we have started the lesson. And at the end of the lesson, we have to indicate "lesson done" or "done". If there are any disruptions while the lesson is still going on, we have to indicate it with "dropped call" or "DC" and state the reason why the lesson has been disrupted. Now, we have the new SOP, we have to report or type, for that matter, in the teachers' general chatroom many things. Some teachers have become creative with their reporting. Reporting for started goes like, SLAR or Started, Lessons and Recording. For lessons done, some would type LRD or Lesson, Recording Done. Others would report done, LR or done Lesson, and Recording. In my care I type less, rec done. Those creative ways of reporting are not yet allowed, though many teachers do that, including me. The allowed or the right SOP is still to type the whole thing. Started, recording at the start of the lesson and lesson, recording done at the end of the lesson. Yes it has become a little troublesome and a little confusing because you have to take many things into account. Sometimes, I feel like running a battle ship!

The implementation of the new SOP is still on its baby steps. We're still on the trial and error level. But I can see, we have already embraced this one.

More updates on this one! XD

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