03 August, 2011


Recently our online school has sent every HBOET a memo regarding incentives. It sounded good news fror me, but

Let's take closer look at the terms and conditions...

A. Top 3 Teachers with the Highest Number of Lesson Reservation (August)
How to qualify:
1. All Teachers are eligible to join.
2. Counting of reserved lessons includes DNLI and minutes cancellation.
3. The top 3 teachers with the highest number of reservations will receive:
  1. Top 1 = 3,000 Yen
  2. Top 2 = 2,000 Yen
  3. Top 3 = 1,000 Yen

B. Top 3 Teachers with the Highest Lesson Reservation Improvement (July vs. August)
How to qualify:
1. All GNA Teachers are eligible to join.
2. Counting of reserved lessons includes DNLI and minutes cancellation.
3. The top 3 teachers with the biggest improvement in his/her number of lesson
reservations in August compared to his/her reservations in July will receive:
  1. Top 1 = 3,000 Yen
  2. Top 2 = 2,000 Yen
  3. Top 3 = 1,000 Yen

C. Top 3 Best Teachers of the Month (August)
How to qualify:
1. All GNA teachers are eligible to join.
2. The top 3 best teachers of the month are determined by the following criteria:

  • Highest evaluation rating from the Training Team
  • Lowest numbers of replacements, absences and tardiness
  • Non-existence of students’ complaints
  • Compliance of SOP/Evaluation by the GNA Staff

3. A teacher who is subject to a student/students’ complaint/s is automatically
4. The top 3 teachers best teachers of August will receive:
  1. Top 1 = 3,000 Yen
  2. Top 2 = 2,000 Yen
  3. Top 3 = 1,000 Yen

All conditions are fair enough however, for the first two conditions, quite saddens me. Though everyone is elligible to join, not everyone CAN join. Not everyone can be available to have their slots open for more reservations. Especially for an HBOET like me, I'm not readily available for any additional lessons. I have to plan and schedule my activities if I want to have additional lessons. I guess other HBOETs feel the same way too.

I openly approve to the third one because clearly, everyone can be a winner. I think it is a good way of encouragement for HBOETs to improve their teaching skills. And it is a good way to do good, especially in class observations, because there is always something to look forward for if you do really good.

If I am to be asked for any addition to the incentive program, I want to have incentives for having a good attendance. Maybe that will encourage HBOETs to reduce their absences and tardiness.

I hope the third condition will continue in the future. I hope that the management will also be open for suggestions for their incentive program like the one that I gave.

Having incentives will definitely boost my enthusiasm and motivation to improve my teaching skills. It will also pressure me, on a good a way, to be on time all the time. If the incentives will push through, I will double my effort to do better.


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